Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Happy Happy

How awesome is this baby! Continuing to do great. He weighs about 11 lbs, he can laugh, roll over, grab and grin. We feel so blessed.


  1. That is so wonderful! How exciting to be talking about him in "normal" baby things like rolling over, etc. So happy for your family - you need to post on here more often now just for fun!

  2. AhhhH! He's gotten so big! Love it! Cute cute! Enjoyed talking with you the other day!

  3. Precious! He looks big. He has such a cute little grin. Happy for you guys. I hear there is reciprocity here in Utah for Arizona attorneys. Does that mean you can now move here? We will start looking for homes. :)

  4. Yay! What a miracle! I am so glad that he and you guys are doing well. Take care.

  5. Ahhhhhh....I want to hold that cute guy. You guys are amazing and so is he. Love you guys
