Friday, July 24, 2009


I took Duncan to the Pediatrician's office for a weigh in today and he weighed 6lb 6oz! Wow, we are so pleased. He even looks a little rounder to me. It's funny to see him at the weights our other children were at when they were born, he's almost up to Lincoln's birth weight. He's like a regular little newborn, who just happens to have been born over three months ago. We're still adjusting to our new schedule so be patient if we aren't very social, we love you all and we hope to get into a better routine, especially a longer sleep routine:)


  1. Yeah Duncan!! Keep it up little buddy. We miss you at the Banner NICU but we are so glad that you are home with your family. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
    - The Smiths (Drew, Megan, and Kessen)

  2. Congrats on bringing him home Amy! He is beautiful and I am so glad he is gaining weight!! What a little miracle baby! Love to you and your family! We miss you guys...especially as Cougar football is resuming soon! :) Luckily there are some other Cougar fans out here on the east coast for Ben to talk with!
