Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I got a chance to meet with the doctor today. She said his heart still has a small hole but that they will not do surgery at this point because he still seems well. She also said that when he was born he was at the bottom statistically for 26 weekers. But now he is at the top healthwise. He is 800 grams (1 lb 12 oz) and the doctor said that you rarely see a 800 gram baby breathing mostly on its own! Yeah for Duncan. She said we should pray that he doesn't get an infection and that he continues to tolerate feeds. So far so good. If he continues to eat more they will take out his pic line (a small line that goes through his arm up to his heart to feed him fluids while he can't eat on his own). Once the pic line comes out he will be less likely to get an infection.


  1. Glad to hear good news. I hope and pray he continues to do well! =)

  2. Thanks for setting up the blog. We think of you all often and are so grateful that things are looking up. He is absolutely precious!!! Keep up the hard emotionl journey. I just know he is going to come home soon!!! You are amazing Amy and if anyone could get through this it its you!!!
    xoxox Kristin
