Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Get Ready!

We've been going back and forth to and from the NICU for 9 weeks now and today we got one step closer to the end of that part of Duncan's life. They took him completely off oxygen and moved him to the CCN. The CCN is the continuing care nursery where babies get ready to go home. I'm not ready. Isn't that funny, after 9 weeks you would think I would be ready. It is scary because we've had the security of monitors and nurses and soon we will get to bring that fragile little baby home. He is 4 lb 2 oz and still a little unsure about his bottle feeding. He will still be at the hospital until he can get the bottle thing down (and hopefully the nursing thing as well). I don't know how long that will all take but he has been progressing faster than I expected after his first attempts with the bottle. There are always setbacks as well. Maybe I am just afraid that he really won't come home soon and that's what I'm not ready for. He sure is a precious beautiful baby. The pictures are a bath he had today and his move to his new home. It's been a long 9 weeks and the journey has still just begun!


  1. He loook soooo great! So glad things are improving for him. It will be nice to have him home. Can't wait to see the little guy! Hope you are all doing well. love you wendy

  2. So excited this part is almost over!! I am sure you will do a great job at home with him, although I totally understand your fears. That mommy intuition is there and he will do fine. When he is finally allowed to be around people and you make it out my way, I would LOVE to get together.

  3. What great news! He is adorable and I am so happy for you!

  4. He really looks amazing Amy!! And it's so exciting that he is progressing so quickly. Has it been nine weeks?? You guys are amazing and wonderful parents! You will do great! Miss you!
